We follow Te Whāriki, the national early childhood curriculum of Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Individual Development Portfolio
We observe children at play and record these observations in a narrative style called a LEARNING STORY. These are then pasted into a file called an Individual Development Portfolio. Using this information we assess where your child is at, where they may progress to, and how we can help them get there. When we plan for your child, we share our findings with you and ask for your input.
Also contained in your child's portfolio is their artwork and photographs. It is a wonderful record of your child's time at GCK. We encourage you to look at your child's file at any time and take it home to share with your family. Please give us feedback on how we can improve our portfolio. Please only review your own child's portfolio. More detail available here.
Sick Policy
GCK provides a safe and healthy environment, therefore we are unable to look after sick children. Children need to be kept at home if they have any of the following symptoms:
• High temperature
• Inflamed throat or eyes
• Unidentified rash
• Upset stomach or diarrhoea
• Other symptoms indicating your child is unwell
We will contact parents immediately if their child falls ill during the course of the day. Your child will be isolated from children and kept comfortable with a teacher until his/her parents arrive. If your child's illness is communicable, the centre requires a doctor's release statement.
Medical Records
Parents are asked to supply their child's immunisation records during their enrolment and teachers need to be authorised to give medication to children. Parents are required to sign the medicine book and give the authorisation to teachers. Please do not leave the medicine in your child's bag. Medicines must be labelled with the child's name, doctor's name, name of medication, dosage and when to be taken.
In line with the MOE regulations, once sighted and verified by our Head Teacher, immunisation records, passport and birth certificate copies will be securely disposed of.
Special Needs
A conference will be held between parents and the kindy to determine the best methods required to serve the child throughout the day in the centre. If we cannot meet your child's needs, alternative care will be suggested.
Arrival and Departure
When bringing your child to the kindy make sure your child is left safely with one of the staff members before you leave. Also make sure you sign the attendance register on arrival in the morning and when collecting your child in the afternoon. Your child will be allowed to leave the kindy only with those authorised adults named in their Enrolment Form.
First Aid
All our teachers are first aid trained. All bumps and injuries are recorded in our accident book and reported to parents. In times of emergency, if it is in the child's best interest, he/she will be transferred to a hospital and parents will be contacted immediately.
Our typical day will include painting, outdoor play and eating. Please provide your child with an extra set of washable clothing. It is important that clothing is appropriate for the weather. Please label your child's clothes to prevent loss.
We provide our children with educational toys and would appreciate if you do not send toys to the kindy.
Morning tea, packed lunches and afternoon tea are to be provided by parents. Note that, for allergy reasons, GCK is nut free. Parents are asked to be vigilant on this please. We also ask parents to provide healthy food which is prepared appropriately according to food safety guidelines.
Session Times
Daily - 8.45am - 2.45pm
4 Year Old Programme
We hold three dedicated mat times per week, with specific interest based and age appropriate activities/projects, designed for preparing children for life and school.
Donations & Fees
Donation – all children $2.50 per hour (No GST and tax deductible)
Enrolment Fee $92.00 to be paid on acceptance of a place.
Under 3 year olds $5.75 per hour
Over 3 years, an hourly rate of $5.75 for each hour in excess of the 20 ECE hours per week.
All fees include GST